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março 2020

#AColaboradora: Encerramento será um dia para celebrar a Baixada Criativa

#AColaboradora: Encerramento será um dia para celebrar a Baixada Criativa

Chegou a hora de celebrar. Depois de um ano de formação, desenvolvimento de projetos e mentoria, os 25 empreendedores de impacto social da  Colaboradora - Empreender e Transformar fecham um ciclo que aponta para o futuro; Por isso, convidamos todos e todas para uma tarde para conversarmos, refletirmos e apontarmos nossos próprios caminhos para uma…

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960 960 Editor
Celebrating the creativity and the transformation of social entrepreneurship

Celebrating the creativity and the transformation of social entrepreneurship

On 3/14, we will celebrate the 2019 cycle ventures of our social entrepreneurship school, A Colaboradora - Empreender e Transfomar (Entrepreneurship and Transform). The event will take place at the headquarters of LAB Procomum and marks the end of a one-year training, developing and mentoring process with 25 social impact entrepreneurs from Baixada Santista (São…

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2560 1440 Editor
Video: Creating a citizen innovation lab to promote the commons

Video: Creating a citizen innovation lab to promote the commons

LAB Procomum is the citzen innovation laboratory maintened by Instituto Procomum since 2017 in Santos, São Paulo State, Brazil. We produced a video in partnership with Bela Baderna to show some of our projects and stories. Watch the video and see what it is like to build a citizen innovation laboratory dedicated to the promotion…

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850 650 Editor
Careables 2020: Innovation, collaboration and free technologies for people-centered health

Careables 2020: Innovation, collaboration and free technologies for people-centered health

On February 5, the Careables America Latina was launched in Olinda, Recife State, Brazil. The project is an international cooperation beetween the brazilian organizations Casa Criatura, Centro Cultural Coco de Umbigada, Coletivo 3D, Grupo de Pesquisa TAPIOCA/UFRPE, Instituto Procomum and Secretaria de Saúde de Olinda and  IRD (France) and Global Innovation Gathering – GIG (Berlin).…

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1180 722 Editor
A Colaboradora: Collaboration and arts against the economic crisis and precarious work

A Colaboradora: Collaboration and arts against the economic crisis and precarious work

The Project A Colaboradora - Arts and Communities of the Instituto Procomum has already selected the 12 artists participating in the second edition via open call. More than 80 artistas subscribed from all over the region.

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2560 1626 Editor
Juicy Santos destaca empreendedoras da A Colaboradora – Empreender e Transformar #baixadaquefaz

Juicy Santos destaca empreendedoras da A Colaboradora – Empreender e Transformar #baixadaquefaz

#baixadaquefaz Camila Araújo e Vilene Lacerda, ambas participantes da Colaboradora ET, são destaque da matéria sobre economia criativa e empreendedorismo feminino na Baixada santista publicada no Juicy Santos na segunda-feira (2/3). Camila Araújo é empreendedora e artesã da

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630 419 Editor
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