Forming popular health agents and a care network
The Popular Health Agents project began to be thought of during the execution of the Baixada Pela Vida campaign in 2020 – when several organizations in São Paulo, Brazil, carried out actions with community leaders. Understanding the importance of creating community protection processes beyond emergency issues. After all, the pandemic already presented complex challenges that indicated overcoming the health crisis.
Understanding care and health based on local demands, the Popular Health Agents trained 18 community leaders to fight the pandemic. The project is special because it meets the urgent demands of the sanitary and social crisis, but it also aims at fostering citizen innovation networks, which are part of the Procomum Institute’s DNA.
We will soon publish more details of the actions.
Co-creating new possibilities and dreams for the LAB Procomum
The LAB Procomum is a citizen laboratory. Meeting and sharing were part of our daily life. The exchange of knowledge, creation, transformation and dreams happened every day, in our affection.
With the pandemic, we closed our space but not our network.
In the Common Territories, a network of 30 collaborators are co-creating a space to face the crisis and new possibilities for the challenges of today and tomorrow. They are works of art, performances, prototypes, structures, ideas, work spaces – everything that fits in our dreams to keep living.
To continue creating a space where innovation, creativity and art are the tools for solving real problems.
The project brings together mapping, exhibitions, audiovisual and technology works based on research into the black history of Santos
Collectives of artists, communicators, technology developers and others gathered to produce individual and collective works against the historical erasure of the black population of Baixada Santista, affirming the black protagonism in the past, present and future of the region in the LAB Memórias, Narrativas e Black technologies of Baixada Santista
When we analyze recent research on the racial issue in Baixada Santista, we see that the region has the largest number of black population in the State of São Paulo and, on the other hand, the city of Santos is among the cities with the greatest racial segregation in the country.
Since the founding of the LAB Procomum, Instituto Procomum’s citizen laboratory, we have understood the importance of building mechanisms and methodologies for new research, experiments that allow the consolidation and proof of new theories and theses. A place that values the knowledge of people, citizens, which often neither the academy, nor science, nor the State, nor the market is able to absorb.
Follow @procomum’s social networks and the website to follow the project’s releases.